All tagged fishing podcast

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 192 Corrib & Claret

In this week's episode I share a boat with Andy Barton and Colm Murphy on Lough Corrib. We had a great evening when wind and light conditions were perfect and the fish were up and taking. I talk about when all things come together and the flies that did the trick, dark skies and claret flies. Also the pulling power of the Leggy Octopus. Great sport on the Western Lakes is not only to be had in May, when conditions are right August can prove productive.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 191 Paddy Gargan

Before recently retiring Paddy Gargan was a Fishery Biologist for Inland Fisheries Ireland and before that was Manager at the Salmon Weir at Galway. I met him for a chat at his home, overlooking the lower lake on Corrib located just outside Galway City.

We chat about Connemara sea trout, his view on salmon farming and this seasons very good run of salmon coming into the lough.

He also talks of something I have a passion for, Ferox. He tells of their spawning habits and no matter what part of the lake they reside most head for the one river.

A fascinating chat from someone with a wealth of knowledge and love of sea trout and salmon.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 190 Lough Currane

This week's episode I am in County Kerry on the first week of my road trip around Ireland. I met up with Currane boatman Neil O'Shea where we had a day afloat on this majestic water. We were in search of Sea Trout and Salmon, unfortunately fishing was tough and only caught a few trout. Fishing with Neil was a great experience as we fished salmon holding marks and fished a method seldom fished today. Holding on marks while fishing the current similar to that of a river. I talk also of the surrounding history of Kerry.

It's true to say that Currane is not the lake it used to be, but great fishing can still be had. It is no secret that the offshore salmon farms has affected the fishing at Currane. Please help get this water get back to it's halcyon days and stop buying toxic farmed salmon.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 188 Jason Williams

This week I met up with good friend and British Carp on the fly Record Holder Jason Williams at his local water Canada Lake. He has had many carp over the years and countless over 20lb with the best going 39lb. Jason specialises in fishing for them on the fly with no loose feed or freebies. He is in great demand with anglers wanting tuition days and guiding but Jason has no interest. He has always kept his cards to his chest..... until now! For the first time he goes into detail and tells us his secrets to his success, including tackle, methods and flies. If you want to catch carp on the fly this episode is a must listen to. The day we fished we caught 15 fish, many of which were doubles.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 184 Rob Connor

Hi guys, this week's podcast I chat with Irish angler Rob Connor. He has a passion for fishing the midland loughs and tells us about Lough Owel, Ennell and Sheelin. We had a brilliant evening together last month on Sheelin where he had three great fish on dries, we were however blessed with having a great boatman that evening, Ted his collie. With all the modern fly patterns around today it is the traditional Grey Wolf which is Rob's first choice during the spent. He talks also of what to expect the next few weeks including the Murrough and Peter fishing.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 182 Lough Sheelin

This week I tell of my recent days on Lough Sheelin and the incredible hatches of Mayfly and the Murrough. I chat with Kevin Sheridan while having a bite and a cuppa at the lakeshore and he tells of the cycle of the Mayfly and the frustrating nights waiting for the spent. The second part of this episode I tell of my day with Gerry McCarthy where the plan eventually came together and we had some great sport. A very special lake. Enjoy!

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 181 Finian Dodd

This week's episode I chat with Finian Dodd. He was born on the shores of Lough Arrow at Ballindoon, and still lives there today. He has fished the lough since he was a small boy and today runs a successful boat hire with a fleet of a dozen boats. Not only is Finian an experienced angler he has vast knowledge of the history of Arrow and tells of stories of the families which lived on the islands. Even though the Mayfly has finished he tells of the sedges including the Green Peter and the Murrough which will draw the anglers to the magical water next month.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 180 Dave Egan

This week's episode I meet up with Doolin angler, Dave Egan. We met up and recorded our chat after a day on Lough Corrib while parked up at Balinduff Bay. He tells of his day taking 16 fish to the boat while fishing with his boat partner, Gerry. Dave needs no introduction on the Irish competition scene having achieved many titles including National Champion on his first attempt and Brown Bowl winner at the 2018 international on Lough Mask. He tells of his success in recent weeks and says its the best May he has experienced. Catching on buzzers, olives and Mayfly and already looking forward to next month fishing the caenis. He is one of the most passionate anglers I've met and probably has Corrib water running through his veins.

We chatted for a couple of hours so enough content for another episode, will put up part 2 soon. Dave is a mine of information and for anyone fishing Corrib this is a must listen to podcast, enjoy!

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 179 Lough Corrib

In this episode I chat about my time this week on Corrib while taking time out on Malachy's island. Hatches of Mayfly are starting to show, how I caught some nice fish to over 3lb and my two top imitations. I also talk of my day with David Donnelly while buzzer fishing on the lower lake again getting stunning fish up to 4.5lb. A great start to my month stay in the West.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 177 Martha Leeming

This week’s episode I chat with Martha Leeming. Born in Colombia, lived in England and now lives in Alberta, Canada. She is a passionate competition angler with many English caps and achievements to her name. While in England she worked for Orvis and was also involved with Casting for Recovery. She is a very skilful and experienced angler but very modest with it. She now enjoys competing on the international scene representing the Canadian Women’s World Team.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 176 My Guide to Chew Valley

This week I take you around the bays and drifts at Chew Valley lake and the areas which have brought me success over the years. Hatches to look out for this spring plus methods and flies which have been my go to choices. For years this top water has great facilities and quality fish. Even though it gets most of its publicity nowadays with its huge pike it still is one of the leading trout lakes in the country.

Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 175 Marina Gibson

This week I chat with Marina Gibson. She needs no introduction as she is one of the biggest names in our sport. Anyone who knows her will tell you she lives and breathes flyfishing. She is often seen across social media catching many species of exotic fish but it’s fishing for salmon which is her true passion.

Last year she realised one of her pipe dreams and together with her husband Stefan took over the lease of the salmon beat at Bywell on the river Tyne. She talks of her love of Spey casting and along with the positives, the negatives that come with social media.

This week is also an exciting time for her as it’s the launch of her new book Cast, Catch, Release.

Also especially for Patron members she is giving away a signed copy of her book for this week’s competition prize.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 174 Anthony McCann

This week I chat with Irish angler Anthony McCann. He has a passion for Fly-tying and only started just over 4 years ago. He has such a talent and has a large following across social media. He specialises in salmon flies and more recently classic patterns. A few years ago he had a brain hemorrhage and he tells how fly-fishing and tying helped in his recovery. He recently has set up an online shop selling Raidzap and Largaton products. He has also donated a £50 voucher to spend on his site as a competition prize for patrons, which I will draw later in the week.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 173 Ferox Red Letter Day

Hi guys, I've had a few requests lately from new patrons of the channel asking for more ferox content. So this week's episode I tell the story of a special day back in 2006 where I get 5 ferox in one day up to 12lb while fishing Corrib. Plus at the end of the day as nightime came I had an unexpected take. Day's like this don't come around that often.


Casting With Ceri Jones : Ep. 172 Glenda Powell

This week's episode I chat with Irish angler Glenda Powell. Originally from Northern Ireland but now lives in Waterford and is a guide on the River Blackwater. She also runs hosted trips to Iceland, Greenland and Patagonia. She is a qualified APGAI Ireland casting instructor and is often seen demonstrating he skills at Fly-fishing Shows around the world. She has an amazing story of how she got into making a living from her passion of fly-fishing.
